An extra sarap summer awaits at Jollibee

Summer is more fun at Jollibee with langhap-sarap food, exciting decals of “Filipino Summer”, and spending it with the family.
Summer means more time bonding with family and friends – whether it’s a playdate among brothers and sisters, a day outdoors with mom and dad, a lazy afternoon with friends, or a leisurely road trip out of town, it’s more fun when it includes a visit to Jollibee.
To celebrate these many fun memories and bonding activities this time of the year , colorful summer-themed decals showing families enjoying the outdoors and having a great time now adorn Jollibee stores across the country. Indeed, there’s no place quite like Jollibee that can turn these summer moments even more memorable and fun with favorite langhap-sarap treats like the Chickenjoy, Yumburgers, and Jolly Spaghetti.
The decals depict scenes that best capture the heart of summer in the Philippines – spending time with family and friends. Most Filipino kids would spend summer learning how to fly a kite with dad in the open field, or create pinwheels with mom. It is also a time to learn how to ride a bike around the neighborhood, or simply spend an entire afternoon with mom in the playground.
This year’s colorful summer decals were designed by Jollibee’s creative agency, Publicis Jimenez Basic, the same team that brought Christmas to life with their festive decals last December.
“We all love to eat, and our summer bonding won’t be complete without a stop at Jollibee. We exchange stories while eating Yum with Cheese plus fries during the summer break,” said26-year-old financial analyst Monica Garcia. Their barkada usually spends most of their summer days hanging out with each other and going on out-of-town trips.
For the mother-daughter tandem of Catherine and Anya Ang, enjoying the summer can be as simple as spending time with loved ones. “Summer doesn’t have to be expensive for it to be fun. We’d spend the day doing crafts and in the afternoon, we would treat ourselves at the Jollibee store in our neighborhood,” Catherine said.
Summer is more than just the trips and going on vacation, it is about spending time with people who matter most in life – it can be mom, dad, the best friend, barkada, or the siblings. So make it an extra sarap summer and visit your nearest Jollibee store.
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