Fly On The Wings of Magic: AGILA: THE EKSPERIENCE
ENCHANTED KINGDOM, the country’s most loved theme park, enters a new era in amusement and family leisure as it strengthens its commitment to entertainment with a BIGGER, BETTER and HIGHER purpose—that of building Filipino pride in the breathtaking beauty of the Philippines.
Inspired by our majestic national bird – Philippine Eagle known also as AGILA, Enchanted Kingdom also soars to even greater heights with its most ambitious offering in 21 years. EK formally unveils its grandest attraction yet, “AGILA the EKsperience.”
EKsperience the AGILA’s flight
“AGILA the EKsperience” is the only flying theatre in the Philippines and the largest single flying theater of its kind! It uses patented motion theatre technology that creates a realistic sensation of flight as if like an eagle, and showcases exciting destinations across the Philippine archipelago in a visually-stunning 6-minute film traversing the country from north to south.
The journey begins with the wise Wizard Eldar’s magical mission. He summons his mighty friend AGILA to take visitors on an aerial quest to find and restore light to the fading gemstones of Earth, Water and Air. As if by magic, the entire theater lifts guests from the ground and transports everyone across the country, to see the most amazing places from the EKs-hilarating vantage point of an eagle.
This flight like an eagle is amped up with awesome special effects combining wind, water, mist, scents, overhead stereo speakers and seat bass shakers for the most realistic, most magical flying sensation Filipino audiences will ever have. Seeing through the AGILA’s EKstraordinary eyes, marvel at the familiar and unfamiliar sights of our beautiful islands, filmed in stunningly clear 6K resolution cinematography. This engaging multi-sensory EKsperience makes AGILA’s flight brilliantly life-like and realistically smooth, making the adventure truly unforgettable.
Discover and tour over 3,000 kilometers of the Philippines from the comfort of your seat in this captivating attraction that will be more awesomely engaging than IMAX, more visually EKciting than any travelogue you’ve laid eyes on—in a ground-breaking flying theatre that currently finds no equal.
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