NATEURAL EUROPE — A Product Presentation Event

With the framework of the European program “Natural Europe” an exclusive B2B event took place on 4th of August 2023, at 18:00 p.m., at TCEV CLUB HOUSE FACILITIES 56, (Mahogany Avenue along Marcos Highway Lower Mayamot -Lower, Antipolo, Philippines).
Participants from the Horeca sector, importers, distributors, wholesalers, grocery chain representatives, bloggers, and journalists had the opportunity to meet representatives of the contributing organizations and taste European canned peaches, fruit juices and extra virgin olive oil.
People had the chance to discuss new collaboration opportunities, get informed about the European program “Natural Europe” and its initiatives, and a Chef provided information about the nutritional value of the specific European products and the positive effects of their consumption in everyday life.
Natural Europe is an EU financed campaign aiming to promote the delicious canned peaches from Greece and extra virgin olive oil and fruit juices from Cyprus, in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia and Philippines.
Its objective is to increase the competitiveness and consumption of EU agricultural products, to raise their profile, and to increase the EU’s value of exports and generate new exports to these five markets.
To learn more about the Natural Europe program and the delicious European products visit our website and find us on Facebook: and
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