A grape juice a day keeps health woes away

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But with our busy lifestyles filled with activities from morning to sundown, sometimes there is no more time to eat a fruit or lead a healthy life.
To achieve physical and mental well-being, experts recommend the time-tested proper diet and nutrition, at least an eight-hour sleep and regular exercise. A healthy diet provides the nutrients to fuel bodily and mental functions and keeps one’s immune system in tip-top shape. The World Health Organization, in particular, recommends 400 grams of fruits every day — a target that many Filipinos struggle to meet since there is no time to buy fruits or even the time to savor them.
With the convenience of modern living, there are products now available that help us live a healthier lifestyle. One of the most recommended by doctors and dietitians is Welch’s 100% Grape Juice. Extracted from Concord Grapes, each bottle carries real grape goodness — a good concentration of nutrients called polyphenols that promote healthy blood flow, provide anti-clotting effect like red wine and help maintain blood pressure. Since it is pure, no sugar is added, making the drink safe and healthy for all ages.

Add to that, since Welch’s 100% Grape Juice provides a good source of antioxidants, it keeps immune system up to fight against viruses that cause common colds and cough.
It also has the Welch’s 100% Grape Juice with Fiber and the Welch’s 100% Grape Juice with Calcium. Fiber, as scientific research has proven, is good for digestion and helps in weight loss; while calcium is proven to build good bones and teeth and aids in the proper function of our internal organs. With Welch’s variants that include fiber or calcium, Filipinos are assured of a drink that is not only refreshing but also nutritious as well.
An advocate of better nutritional choice for Filipino families, Welch’s provides a wide variety of juice products that are refreshing to the taste and good for the body, letting you enjoy more precious and productive time with the ones you love.
Welch’s Juices are available in all leading stores and supermarkets. Find out more about Welch’s Juices at www.welchs.com.
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