Culinary Education Foundation, Rotary Club of Sto. Domingo QC, and the Rotary International Club D3780 seal partnership to support 200 culinary scholars

Johnny So (center) receives Certificate of Recognition as Club President for 2017-18 from immediate past president Tawie Luna, and is joined by past presidents (left to right) Virgie Fojas, Richrd Yu and Marvin Macatol
The Center for Culinary Arts’ (CCA Manila) social advocacy arm Culinary Education Foundation (CEF) has partnered with the Rotary Club of Sto. Domingo Quezon City, and the Rotary International District 3780 to provide vocational scholarship to 200 beneficiaries including indigent youth.
Considered the first partnership of its kind by the Rotary Club, the civic organization has committed to provide funding for the project through its network of 101 Rotary Clubs in Quezon City. The organization will also select the candidates to the program, where at least 200 indigent high school graduates from Quezon City and nearby communities shall benefit.
CEF’s culinary program will last for 18 to 20 weeks. It shall include theory, hands-on and practicum. The scholars will then be assessed for TESDA’s NC II Cookery certification and may be employed in The Cravings Group’s restaurants, hotels and schools, according to Dr. Ma. Veritas Luna, Chancellor of Education of CCA Manila and the immediate past president of Rotary Club of Sto Domingo, who is also the program head of the CEF Cooking for Life Program.
“We are extremely excited to embark into a partnership with the Rotary Club of Sto Domingo, led by its president, Johnny So, and the Rotary Club D3780. Over the past 15 years, the CEF has catered to hundreds of scholars from diverse background and has provided the necessary skills to out-of-school youth, mothers and underprivileged members of society to work for or build their own food businesses. As the restaurant sector continues to grow, there are huge opportunities awaiting the 200 scholars within The Cravings Group and in the industry once the needed skills and experiences are gained through the program,” said Susana P. Guerrero, President of The Cravings Group and founder of CEF.
“Through the scholarship project with CEF, the Rotary Club recognizes the role played by culinary and hospitality professionals in our community. The scholarship will allow the underprivileged members of society to discover their talents in culinary arts and use this vocation to build a better life,” said Chito Borromeo, Governor of Rotary Club’s 2017-2018 District 3780 which covers Quezon City.
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