The Beauty Queen Detox
(Doing the 10 day NUTRITIONAL DETOX program of Doctor Camilla Griggers with Alice Dixon)
Ever since I placed my Miss International crown on her head, Alice Dixon has been making waves, splashes and yes, even tsunamis all over the country! She has become a dear friend, absolutely beautiful inside and out. Because of our busy schedules, we rarely had a chance to catch up until recently when our dear friends Tina Alcala (Miss Young International) and Izza Gonzales (Miss Maja International), brought us all back together. One thing leads to another and you get a few beauty queens in a room and voila, it’s pandemonium!
Cooking together in my kitchen, we shared common joys; siempre naman,we wore our TIARAS! But more importantly we agreed on the value of health, which starts in your kitchen by preparing and eating great food.
Healthy eating and lifestyle has been my advocacy for the past four seasons on my show Sabrina’s Kitchen. You can imagine my joy, when Alice contacted me to share her NUTRITIONAL detox program created by her cousin and she was the GUINEA pig.
I read about the program and loved it because the key word was NUTRITION. Everyone is gaga over detox today, but beware because there are many that rob you of crucial nutrients. Do not be fooled. As a foodie, I love my food and want to eat and enjoy. As I always I say, ‘Eat healthy, eat right, but eat delicious!’
At least twice a year, however, you need to help your body heal and clean out all the toxins, alcohol, junk and pollutants. Our liver, kidney and other parts need help to detox. So what is a detox program, and what does it do? Primarily it is meant to cleanse the system, and heal it by stopping the body from digesting to enable the stomach to focus on healing itself. This means NO solids!
Alice and I arranged to meet at her kitchen to discuss the detox program. As I arrived, I see her and Doc Camilla chillaxing on a couple of lounge chairs and being absolutely beautiful. She was on day 7 of her detox , and honestly I expected a “masungit” Alice because many detox programs and diets make you irritable , but she was smiling, giggling and happy and oozing with energy. Doc Camilla explained the need for a nutritional detox and certain fundamental rules. She advises that you do this with a friend or family member, so you can support each other.
Ingredients for the entire 10 day Nutritional Detox:
Note: Buy organic produce if you can and don’t store them in plastic containers
- Lemons
- Celery
- Carrots
- Potatoes
- Beets
- Wild Honey
- Cayenne Pepper
- Super food ( you will find this green powder in health stores)
- Green apples
- Chia seeds
- 100 percent fruit juices ( any will do) NO sugar or ARTIFICIAL sugars added
- A juicer ( if you want to make the juices fresh )
Step 1:
As you wake up in the morning, squeeze about 4 to 5 lemons into a large pitcher. Fill it with water and add about a third teaspoon cayenne. Add to that an oozing tablespoon of wild honey.
That’s your drink (have as many as you want through the day) I looove this! It’s an amazing perk and wake up drink. The wild honey and cayenne with the lemon is brilliant. I feel like I am healing already.
Step 2:
In a pot, slow boil the skins of 6 potatoes, 4 whole beets (meat and skin ), one bunch of celery, 6 unpeeled carrots ( meat and skin). Slow boil for about one hour or so. Use the lowest heat possible on your stove.
I suggest you chop up in quarters the veggies, so that it cooks faster. You will find a lovely pinkish earthy soup, which is your first course. Do not add salt to this. You can save the vegetables for something else.
I found the soup quite lovely, with a mild sweet and earthy flavor from the beets and potato skins. I quite liked the taste. Packed with potassium and nutrition, it was delightful.
Note: you may add some McCormick, cayenne, or turmeric or cinnamon to any of these as it adds nutrition and boosts immune system as well
Step 3:
Grab your bottle of fresh juice and to that add 2 heaping teaspoons of chia seeds and 2 heaping teaspoons of super food. Mix and drink or slurp. It’s quite yummy, with a crunch and bite from the chia seeds and a thick smoothie consistency from the super food! It’s soooo green.
Doc Camilla explains that the chia provides the essential oils we need in our body as well as fiber, while the super foods are much needed potassium and protein. I highly suggest you add some cinnamon as well to give variety to flavor. Buko juice is brilliant too. You can use green apple, carrot, cucumber, or any juices, just don’t add sugar.
Step 4:
The coffee enema (You do this first thing the morning after a few days into your detox.)
Brew some coffee, then pour liquid into a fleet enema (you can buy this at any drug store). Make sure you buy the one for adults. Place a towel on your bed and while lying down and use the enema. Hold for 3 minutes lying on your right side first, then on your left side next for your liver for another 3 minutes. Then you know what to do!
Alice explained that she had a hosting event that day, and felt an amazing jolt of energy. She described it as a boost of caffeine without the palpitation. Remember at this point Alice was on day three of her detox, so she should be getting tired and weak, instead her energy levels were at maximum.
Her toughest day was day six, when she wanted to give up and eat food. Doc Camilla explained this is why it’s important to have a buddy to support and keep you guys going. Don’t quit. The benefit will be felt by your body for the next six to eight months. Ten days out of that is not bad at all.
I asked Doc Camilla why she started this. She explained she got very ill. This prompted her to change her lifestyle and do drastic health moves. She read up on nutritional healing and started Check out her site on the web. It’s extremely educational and interesting. Alice and Doc Camilla are available for questions and concerns. Via twitter: @alicedixson and Doc Camilla Griggers’ contact details on her site.
Remember, prevention is the key! Do not wait till you are ill. Do this amazing nutritional detox at least twice a year. And then we paaaarty with some steak and vino!
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